Friday, June 5, 2015

My reputation precedes me!

I emailed my doctor to report that I've had an ongoing mild fever for about a week. He called to double check my symptoms. I have NO symptom, other than the fever and occasional body aches, but Motrin makes me feel right as rain most of the time. So, he says I have a viral syndrome. Not "the flu" but something similar and viral. He says I'm contagious and that I should take time off. I told him that I have no sick time because of surgery, so he tells me, "OK, just don't be kissing up on people at work."

Who told him my history? How did he KNOW...?

For those of you just tuning in, I kind of have this reputation for kissing a lot of people. I don't know how it started or why. But once, when I was maybe 14 or 15, and I had already kissed about 3-5 people, my dear friend at school, April, and I decided to have a kissing contest. Originally, it was going to just be for one day. Somehow it evolved into a week? I'm not sure. It was a long time ago.

Anyway, I had skyrocketed my numbers up to, I believe, 18 within a week? I think I won by 1 person. Since she and I were friends, we had practically the same circle of friends, so naturally, all of our guy friends were fine with letting us "use" them to tally numbers. I happened to know someone else she didn't, so I won. That's neither here nor there. Then, I couldn't stop!

For whatever reason, that contest set off something in my brain. Or in my mouth. I'm not sure which. I discovered in that little experiment that I LOVE kissing. Love it. I could do that all day. And I did for the rest of high school. And after. Now, I know that sounds slutty, but I was literally ONLY kissing these boys. No funny business with the majority of them unless maybe I liked them a little bit more than a friend...then they could touch my butt or something. But honestly, just kissing.

People always say kissing is so intimate. That you should only kiss people you deeply care about. I think it's a fun way to say, "Hey, you're a fun friend." Personally, I don't think kissing is more intimate than making love, which I've heard. I just enjoy it. Do what you love & love what you do, isn't that how the saying goes? I mean, I got married for the second time now, so that has obviously curtailed my ongoing experiment, but I just find it hilarious that even my doctor, who I've literally only met once, had already gotten the memo!

**Girls Just Wanna Have Fun**


  1. You so did not win. Remember, I was down by one and a good friend took one for the team. Boom!

  2. No, I won because I got Jon Bennett at the last minute. NIce try Apes. LMFAO. We literally kissed the same guys! Including my now freaking brother-in-law.

  3. OMG LOL that's awesome! But I got Tex in the end, so there.
