Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Keyboard Legs

Trying to make the best out of an uncomfortable situation. This stupid boot is uncomfortable enough, but trying to sit and type with your foot elevated off to the side is simply not possible. If I have my foot out and elevated (because I can't fit it under my desk to prop it up), I'm wrenched sideways trying to type. Not so good on the back. If I put my foot down under my desk to sit forward, then it's not elevated and it swells.

In November 2013 they did an Ergonomic Evaluation of my workspace. It was determined that I needed a keyboard tray, a footstool, some sort of standing clipboard for papers, and a wireless ergonomic mouse. I also was eligible for Reasonable Accommodation for a special chair that fits my body size: TINY. I couldn't fit in regular chairs because my body frame is too small and my legs dangled over the side and I couldn't touch the ground and couldn't sit back properly in the chair. Also, the arms of the chair were positioned so far out that my shoulders hurt and my hands would fall asleep. Somehow, I got the $1,400 chair in no time flat.

In approximately April 2014 I finally got the wireless mouse. We "found" a footstool at a cubicle that was uninhabited so we never pursued that part. But I really wanted that keyboard tray. Then I could stand up from time to time as well...which is ergonomically recommended. But alas, I never got it, and everyone seemed to drop the ball stating that "well, it's the know how they work." SIGH.

Fast forward to preparing for surgery! My doctor wrote a note stating that it was mandatory for me to keep my foot elevated as often as possible. So they (my work) were to order a special stool for under my desk. I took this opportunity to remind them that I never did get that keyboard tray. Then of course, everyone is pointing fingers. 1) Did the paperwork get filled out? Turns out it did. 2) Well did Procurement get it? I have no idea. 3) Did you ask someone to install it? Um, how could I ask someone to install it when it never arrived?  And so on. My boss basically says, "All I can do is fill out the forms." Which is true really. I probably sound like a whiny brat, but seriously, I can't work like that!

I never did get the stool either. Not sure where that is in their priority order. So, here I sit. I don't even care who comes by and sees it. I do have a doctor's note after all. And if they don't accommodate my medical (ADA qualified by the way) need, then this is what they will find! I just wish it was a little more comfortable.

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