A friend (currently in her 4th month of pregnancy) recently was having some issues with her husband and people keep telling her to be patient. That, of course, infurated her. She said to me, "I can see why it would upset you when people tell you to be a better wife. LOL. Why do people get to act like idiots and it's everyone else's fault but theirs??" My answer turned into a rant. Please excuse the language:
Because people like to think about the way things “used to be”. Well now, in the 21st Century, it’s not about the husband going to work and the wife keeping house and raising kids. That life doesn’t exist. For some people it does, but it’s not realistic. The idea of women doing anything else but raise children used to be unheard of. Now, we have more women working than men probably (not sure on that statistic).
no one batted an eye back in the day when men went to “gentleman clubs” or
bowling leagues or moose lodges, or played sports with their friends or went
out for a drink after work. It was expected to be the norm. WHY NOT FOR US? My
mom KNOWS what it is like to be oppressed by her husband who won’t work. She
was just brainwashed for so many years that “women have a place” and I don’t
buy into that bullshit. My place is wherever the fuck I choose it to be.
Her response was golden. We are friends for a reason. LOL. She replied: *slow clap*
And there, my friends, is a glimpse into the way my brain works. Not to be rude, but I don't care who agrees with me. It is MY opinion. We're all entitled to have one of our own. I hope you stick around though. There's so much more that goes along with it. XOXO
Totally agree. Equal effort when it comes to raising kids, keeping up the home, and bringing in the money.